Voting has now begun for the teams which will be taking part in the big InterNations Race Singapore! A total of 6 teams have now made it into the final selection. However, before they get the opportunity to prove their knowledge, endurance, appetite, patience, intelligence and team working skills on the big race day April 16th, they will face one more challenge: Your vote!
All teams have been asked to prepare short video clips to introduce themselves to the InterNations community and make it easier for everyone to pick their favourite team. These videos are now up on the dedicated InterNations Race Singapore event page, where they can be watched and rated by all InterNations members. You can show your support for a team by simply clicking the Like button below their video. You can of course support more than one team, but only the team with the most votes will receive the special INRS Video Award.
People of 60 different nationalities combine to make the InterNations Singapore Community one of the most dynamic and fastest-growing Local Communities in Asia, with close to 4000 members. The monthly InterNations events organised by our Local Ambassadors are always popular and well-attended: We hope the InterNations Race Singapore will meet with equal enthusiasm and success, not least since a lot of effort has gone into the preparation of this event – both from our side (thanks to Community Management and IT at InterNations!) and of course from the local INRS planning committee (pictured above). So, to keep things short: We hope you enjoy the voting, and good luck to all participating teams! We shall of course keep you posted and announce the winning team here.
I think the venues in New York are too large, nobody introduces you, it is like being alone in a sea of people!
Why don’t you organize smaller groups ? Also you could have concerts, oenings, etc.