This day holds a special occasion for all of us in store: In mid-September 2007, exactly two years ago, went online, and a brand-new virtual community saw the light of day. In the course of the past 24 months, the niche networking site geared to expatriates and other people interested in international mobility and foreign cultures quickly grew into the biggest social community available to Internet-savvy expats everywhere.
From our humble beginnings, when family members, friends, former colleagues and business contacts of the founders flocked to the site in order to share their own expatriate and globe-trotting experience, we have been constantly developing the network into a highly professional, top-quality online platform: We have been vastly expanding our memberbase, adding numerous new features (InterNations “veterans†might, for instance, remember the days before there was even an event calendar), and improving the general user experience.
We also introduced official InterNations Get-Togethers in many locations, ran last year’s Summer Reward Program, began a successful and ongoing cooperation with several renowned Partners, and we relaunched a completely redesigned site in spring. So we may justifiably pride ourselves in our achievements: InterNations now features more than 120,000 members coming from and living in virtually every country around the globe; our Ambassadors organize monthly events in over 100 cities worldwide, which approximately 55,000 guests have attended and enjoyed. For a small start-up company, whose team still fits into ca. five office rooms, that’s an excellent reason to feel like true high achievers and networking pioneers and to pop out the champagne.
So, in anticipation of tonight’s event(s): Congratulations, InterNations!
Congratulations InterNations! You have brought such a wonderful engagement possibility for expats and internationally minded individuals all over the world. Here at Going Global, we are enjoying the community. Keep up the great work!