In the last three weeks, since we posted the blog update featuring the video from The Hague, InterNations made the online headlines three more times. First of all, our Brussels Community – including our Ambassador Lorenzo Piazza – made their own appearance in the Brussels International news from Janaury 16th. You can watch the impressions from January’s InterNations Brussels Event in their online archive, but don’t forget to fast-forward until minute 10:47: to the office team’s considerable amusement, we were featured immediately after the clip segment on the Belgian goth metal scene!
But not only Lorenzo in Brussels got his place in the spotlight – Barbara Weinzierl, our Ambassador in Stockholm, talks about her life in the Swedish capital and the activities of the local InterNations chapter, too. In her interview with The Local, the English-language news platform for expats in Sweden, she discusses her own background as an Austrian in Scandinavia, her role as an Ambassador, and international clubbing in Stureplan.
Apparently, InterNations doesn’t attract merely expatriates, but quite a few globe-trotters as well. When the Budget Travel blog, an online guide for the smart and thrifty traveller, compiled some resources for today’s Internet-savvy adventurers from all over the world, we were delighted to hear that InterNations is a good place for making local contacts and getting insider tips from people who may speak your language. You can read all their advice on social networking & travel on their site.