Street vendors, souvenir shops, and department stores near the InterNations office have started to put their football fan gear on display: Flags, streamers, t-shirts, wrapped candy – all is decked out in German and South African colours, and it’s obvious that the World Cup won’t be long in coming. 32 nations from around the globe will be competing for the world’s most important sports trophy. This international and cross-cultural event suits the idea of InterNations perfectly: All the excitement and joy will bring expats, locals, and global minds worldwide together.
Therefore we have invited our international member base to join THE ALL INTERNATIONS OPEN ─ our own free international tipping competition for the World Cup, powered by CNN’s World Cup Project on iReport: In the PLAYERS CUP, everybody can prove their soccer expertise and compete with other InterNations players in New York, Rio, Tokyo… for the InterNations trophy, a flexible 1.000 € flight ticket voucher. We will also count their score for the COMMUNITY CUP, the team challenge of our Local Communities, where the InterNations city with the most accurate FIFA World Cup predictions wins free champagne for all at their next InterNations event.
We are looking forward to a truly InterNational World Cup!
Hello says
Hey, very good read about the worldcup in South Africa. I can’t wait the Socceroos to do some damage. Go the best team in the world, Australia (or – my second choice – Japan) !!!